The story of Sahara Inland Mission began in 1993, when My Father Pastor Lawrence Surin saw children begging at traffic signals the whole day, rag picking from filthy garbage dumps or slogging away in roadside tea stalls and garages. They had no chance of going to school, nor any hope of a better future. He realized that education was needed to bring them out of their terrible poverty and helplessness.
He made a humble beginning on 15th November 1993 with five children and no financial help, and no idea how he was going to manage this project. All he knew was that he had a mission to fulfill and a command to obey. With the inner strength imparted by the Holy Spirit, he and his small team reached out and embraced the children, cleaning them, clothing them, feeding them, and keeping them. The kids became a part of his family. Strengthened by his faith in God, Pastor Lawrence Surin began to believe in “possibilities.”
It is legally registered in 2006 as Sahara Inland Mission Charitable trust. It is totally Christ centered and Child focused.
My calling became clearer after my theological studies (B.Th., M.Div.) Through my interaction with the children, it seemed as though God was showing me my life mission. I began to discover that many children are desperately lacking their security and sustenance of a home and parental care.
It is to hold their hands and show them a way out of neglect and poverty. I could not run away from this challenge, which became my dream. The unwanted and neglected are also the creation of God and our brothers and sisters. I realized that helping even one child made a difference.Today I feel that it was Lord who led me to this ministry and I am certain that He will take care of all the needs of our ministry and will lead us from strength to strength.
We now pray and seek the Lord’s will as Sahara Inland Mission plan to reach out to more communities through many pastors in rural and tribal districts of the Indian subcontinent. This is where children are the most unreached and neglected by mainstream society, and in great need of love, care and resources.
Sanjay Lawrence Surin